Mittwoch, 23. Januar 2008

Jan Akkerman

Surely one of the most remarkable people I know is Dutchman Jan Akkerman. Back in the 70's leading music magazine Melody Maker elects Jan best guitarist of the world, he was then guitarist of the legendary band FOCUS. In those days people like Carlos Santana, Eric Clapton and Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin) were at their peak so it goes to show who we are dealing with here.

But more remarkable still is the man Jan Akkerman. I first met him in April 2002 (see also my blog about Noel Redding). I had invited him to the concert we were having in 'La Bonbonnière' in Maastricht (NL). I still don't know why he accepted, the money wasn't that good, he didn't know me, but I guess he had a hunch that it was going to be a special night. And it did.

People who 'knew' him, had warned me that he might not come, would not be interested and would leave as soon as he'd finish his last notes. Since we did not sign any contract I had no clue what to do if he wouldn't show up. But he did. And boy where did these so called connoisseurs get their information from. Kindness, appreciation for other musicians seemed to be his credo. Most special moments when we were going to do our soundcheck in the afternoon. Empty theatre, only some close friends, musicians and technicians. Jan plugged his guitar in the 'Jazzah' custom made amp and started warming up his fingers on the guitar. This private show lasted about 10 minutes and everybody stood there as struck by lightning. If angels play guitar, Jan is their teacher.

The show in the evening was one big musicians/audience party and Jan and Noel Redding were the shining stars. Backstage in the small but very cosy musicians bar everybody was laughing and having a good time. Moments to cherrish forever.

I am fortunate enough to have played and toured with Jan many more times after that April 2002 show (i.e. the tour with Steve Lukather -TOTO- in 2003 and the Guitar Greats Tour in 2007) and am very gratefull to know such a great guy and a magician on the guitar. The thing is when you sit at the bar of a Hamburg hotel tired of the travel and the show, but you still want to hang out and have a good bottle of red wine and a good laugh, Jan is surely one of the best companions you can imagine.

Don't forget Jan is still going strong so if you ever have the chance to go to one of the concerts, don't miss it !